
It’s time to remove you from the equation.

What got your business here has served its purpose. Now it’s time to inject a new management structure that builds a solid foundation for current operations and future growth. The BTA Management System is a full upgrade of your operations that will align your processes, people, profit, and passion. And most importantly, it will put you out of the day-to-day so that you can maintain a clear perspective on how to continue your growth.

1. Assessment

Let’s see if you’re the right fit.

During a 2 hour complimentary assessment, a BTA Assessment Specialist will take the time to learn about you and your business. Together, you’ll go through the following:

  1. Review your personal and professional goals
  2. Assess the current state of your business
  3. Analyze your biggest challenges and opportunities
  4. Walk you through the BTA Program
  5. Prescribe recommendations to get your contracting business to the next level
  6. Decide together whether this journey is right for you

Upon acceptance into the program, a BTA Member Success Manager will ensure you have received the required preparation for the program and are ready to successfully start the next phase.

$0 Free

2. Blueprint

Think before you do

Every great structure starts with a goal and a well thought out plan. This is where we establish all the necessary components of your business and how they’ll interconnect to create that well-oiled machine you’ve always envisioned. With every part of your business focused on the same end goal, you’ll be on your way to sustainable profits and time to spare.

Throughout the 6 week Blueprint Phase, a world-class contracting business expert will guide you through the 6 pillars that will restructure your business and drive you to success. You’ll gain a strong understanding of all the business skills and processes within the BTA Management System and become aware of the blind spots that have been holding you back. Then you’ll get clear on exactly what you need to do to implement each part of your plan into one kick ass system.

3. Implementation

Let’s bring it to life

With a ton of awesome ideas from your Blueprint, it’s time to methodically inject them into your business. This is 3 critical years of assembling each piece of your plan properly, measuring results along the way and adjusting for the reality of the day to day. There will be no guesswork and you won’t be reinventing the wheel, but you’ll need to be disciplined and patient with the process. Your coach and the BTA Community will be there for you the entire way, to ensure you’ve implemented an interconnected business system that finally pulls you out of the daily grind.

You’re never alone in this journey. Check out some of the key features of the program that will help drive you and your business into a new era.

  • Skills training to ensure you level up as an entrepreneur; not just a contractor.
  • All the templates and frameworks you need, ready to be inserted into your daily operations.
  • Detailed on-demand videos that guide you through each business concept in the BTA Management System.
  • Bi-weekly mentorship meetings that keep you focused and accountable to your goals.
  • Live business tracking to help ensure you hit your year-end goals and detect problem areas along the way.
  • A dedicated industry experienced business coach, available to answer your specific questions and needs.
  • Annual and quarterly review sessions designed to help you adjust your plan within our ever-changing world.
  • Access to the “BTA Inside Circle” – our private online Facebook group of over 300 entrepreneurs in the Program.
  • Local monthly meetups where you can grab a drink and shoot the shit with like-minded entrepreneurs in the program.
  • Invites to the Winter Summit and Summer Retreat, designed to help you build deep relationships, learning new perspectives, and reward you with epic once in a lifetime experiences.
  • Entrepreneurship awards recognizing the blood, sweat, and tears that you’ve put in.
  • Access to BTA Approved Vendors; the very best vendor partners with specific BTA member programs and discounted pricing.

Choose the implementation path that suits you and your business best.

Option 1

The Accelerator Approach

You’ll work with a larger group of members supported by a dedicated Facilitator and a Member Success Manager for your individual support. Some of the main benefits of this route are:

  • Bi-weekly Implementation Meetings with a Facilitator and a group of like-minded contracting entrepreneurs.
  • Group guidance through bi-weekly modules to implement key business system and hit your goals.
  • Small peer-driven breakout groups to set goals, hold each other accountable and discuss challenges and opportunities.
  • Access to a dedicated Member Success Manager for support, as you need it.
  • 1-on-1 Quarterly Review Meetings to give you clear direction and strategy every 3 months.


Option 2

The Pro Approach

In a small group of 3-4 industry specific members, you’ll work very closely with a dedicated and highly experienced coach. Unique aspects of this route include:

  • Bi-weekly Implementation Meetings with your coach who becomes intimately knowledgeable about you and your business.
  • Focused Quarterly Strategic Planning meetings with your coach.
  • Access to bi-weekly 1:1 coaching
  • A carefully matched small group size to intentionally create quality, high level conversations.
  • An annual industry-specific mastermind event, touring the facilities of a top performing BTA Member.


What happens next?

Masters Circle
Masters Circle
Masters Circle

Breakthrough Academy’s Masters Circle program is built specifically to help you tackle the new challenges and questions that arise once you’ve developed the fundamentals of management and leadership. Upon completion of the BTA Management System, you will focus on becoming more strategic, creating a balanced lifestyle, intelligently reinvesting your profits, and having massive impact.

This is a group of carefully vetted and selected BTA members with similar ambitions in their business and life. There is a robust eligibility criteria to make sure that everyone belongs “at the Masters Circle table.”


What is Success Worth to You?

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BTA Management System
