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You’re growing too quickly to waste time on half measures. We’ve distilled decades of industry experience into a proven path to business stability and work-life balance.

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Joining Breakthrough Academy
Doing It On Your Own
Don’t take our word for it, hear what our Members have to say.
Nik Palladino
Ryan Lermitte
Van City Electric
Chris O'Donohue
Brad Gordon
Mike Van Capelle
Nik and Sam started painting houses to pay their way through college. Growth brought along serious challenges, though. Their business had matured, and headcount had grown, but their systems hadn't. After a few years of turning away work they couldn't get to, they realized they needed to overhaul their systems—badly.
By implementing a Strategic Plan, Goal Setting and Review (GSR) meetings, and an effective tech stack, Ryan was able to automate and delegate his way to a more strategic role in the company.
When VanCity Electric owner Cory Byron first joined Breakthrough Academy, he was struggling to make his business profitable. The company was growing.
Uncover how Chris O'Donohue of Great Canadian Landscaping grew his profits and got his time back.
With the help of Breakthrough Academy, Brad has implemented high-impact business systems, including an organizational chart, employment agreements, and ideal candidate profiles to improve hiring.
Like most builders, Mike Van Capelle started his entrepreneurial journey with a passion for quality construction and the guts to take the plunge.
Don’t take our word for it, hear what our Members have to say.
Mike Van Capelle
Ian Price
Jason Hoke
Like most builders, Mike Van Capelle started his entrepreneurial journey with a passion for quality construction and the guts to take the plunge. A few years later, though, he was pulling his hair out.
Forest Street Builders’ first few years were rocky. Ian was the classic "One-Man Band," estimating, selling, project managing, forming, framing, finishing—he was doing ALL THE THINGS.
Scraping together every dollar to his name (and then some) Jason acquired A Cut Above Landscape from his previous employer. To say his first few years were a "grind" would be a gross understatement.
Don’t take our word for it, hear what our Members have to say.
Cory Byron
When VanCity Electric owner Cory Byron first joined Breakthrough Academy, he was struggling to make his business profitable. The company was growing and the work kept coming, but without understanding the ins and outs of budgeting, job costing or financial controls, Cory found himself doing side jobs outside the business just to make ends meet.