The best solution
in the industry

You’re growing too quickly to waste time on half measures. We’ve distilled decades of industry experience into a proven path to business stability and work-life balance.

Doing it yourself
Other frameworks
Other coaches
Online templates

Tired of trying to duct tape together a business system off of:

Online templates
Half-baked advice
Youtube videos
We know there are thousands of “solutions” out there, all claiming to be the best. Picking one can be overwhelming.
Breakthrough Academy is different.

Breakthrough Academy

Our blue-collar roots and industry expertise mean we deliver practical solutions tailored to your toughest challenges—no fluff or untested theories, just results that work.

Other coaches/consultants

A fancy MBA is not a substitute for decades of experience in your industry. And that’s where your average business coach or consultant comes up short. A lack of structure and accountability systems means long-term results are limited.

The Contractor Growth Method™

The Contractor Growth Method™ was designed by contractors for contractors. With a curriculum based on your exact needs and pre-built systems to expedite implementation, we’re just a better fit for a business like yours.

Other Frameworks

Frameworks like EOS and EMyth are great, but they’re industry-agnostic. They share fantastic principles but require a lot of work to fit perfectly into your contracting business.

Joining Breakthrough Academy

We get it… Systemizing your business is daunting. If it were easy, everyone would do it. Breakthrough Academy takes discipline, but if you’re serious about your business’s and family’s future, we are the fast track to get you there.

Doing It On Your Own

Doing it on your own is certainly an option. But be real and ask yourself: Have I maximized my business's potential yet? Or would some expert help take it to the next level?

All Killer, No Filler

Ready to take the plunge?
World class content
A structured but flexible curriculum
A business system built for construction and trades
True accountability
Business networking on steroids

See Why We're Rated #1

“Before BTA, I was working 80 hours a week but not going where I wanted to be BTA has changed my business and outlook on what I need to be doing with my time, and now I’m working under 40 hours a week!”

“Breakthrough Academy has really helped me transition from thinking like a carpenter to thinking like a business owner. Their coaching and content has taught me how to organize and structure my business. The results are increased profits and more time to spend with my family.”

Being in this community has allowed me access to ideas and best practices through the mastermind events and our regular biweekly pods, where we have the chance to exchange ideas amongst our peers, problem-solve, and set goals to implement what is needed. My business today is light years ahead of where it was 5 years ago, and BTA and the community I am a part of has had a huge hand in that

Prior to joining BTA, we did just under a million dollars in revenue with myself and another salesperson. And then this year with just myself, we will be doubling our revenue overall to about two million.”

Allentuck Landscaping Co. grew a combined 55% and became more profitable than we had been in years. More importantly than that, we grew people who became leaders, developed a strong culture, and created processes that will continue to drive growth and strengthen our team.”

“The guidance and support of the team of Breakthrough Academy and our coach has been instrumental to our success and growth of our business. We look forward to continued success and partnership with the support of the entire BTA team. 

“Before BTA, I actually lived on a pull-out couch in my office. It was a really stressful time. My life has changed significantly since that initial year prior to BTA. Rather than fighting to stay above water, I'm focused on how I'm going to create the next wave.”

“If you're not sure if BTA is worth the cost because you don't think you have the revenue to support it, then you definitely need their help and will be happy you did it once you are running a less stressful and more profitable business.

Highly recommend BTA for any trades business owner trying to grow their business, make more money, and have more free time. The coaches provide great accountability and guidance, but it's the BTA community that is truly sets BTA apart.

“I joined BTA three years ago, and it is the best business decision that I have ever made. Since joining BTA my company is more organized, I hire better employees, revenue and net profits are way up.”

“BTA gave me the tools. They showed me that I can be profitable. They showed me that I can make money. Within the first year, I actually was profitable. After four years of not being profitable. That's huge."

“When I first joined Breakthrough Academy, I was at 700, 000 in revenue with roughly around a 25 percent gross margin This year, we're going to do 1 million in revenue at a 50 percent gross margin.”

You’ve built something great. Let’s make it amazing.

Start the assessment process today to see if Breakthrough Academy is right for you.

Ready to take your business to the next level? Let's chat. 

Start the assessment process today to see if Breakthrough Academy is right for you.

Curious how the program will work for YOU?

Have your business analyzed, talk to a real human, and ask us anything you want in a down-to-earth, non-salesy conversation.
Start your free assessment process now!

You have all the right pieces of the puzzle.

Breakthrough Academy helps you assemble it.

We’ve helped over 1,500  contractors just like you

Whether you’re 100% in or still on the fence, we should talk

You don’t need to build it by yourself.

Start the assessment process today to see if Breakthrough Academy is right for you.

The time is now. 

Systemizing your business works like compound interest. The best time to begin working on your business was five years ago. The next best time is right now. Don’t put it off another season.

Over 1,500 Contractors have built businesses they’re proud of with Breakthrough Academy.

Don’t waste time “trying out” solutions. Make every business decision with confidence—starting now.

Systemizing your business is a lot of work. NOT doing it is even more.

We’re here to help you implement The Contractor Growth Method™ in an order that makes sense and at a pace that you can handle.

Systemizing your business is a lot of work. NOT doing it is even more.

We’re here to help you implement The Contractor Growth Method™ in an order that makes sense and at a pace that you can handle.

If you’ve read this far, it's safe to say you’ve already tried a bunch of stuff.

Why not book a call with an expert on our team and determine if Breakthrough Academy is right for you?